Global Organization Trends
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
onto Global Organization Trends
August 5, 2014 1:21 AM!

Aiming at Poland's Neoliberal Goliath - Transitions Online

Aiming at Poland's Neoliberal Goliath - Transitions Online | Global Organization Trends |
Aiming at Poland's Neoliberal Goliath Transitions Online Twenty-five years on, a growing trend in public debate and social activism in Poland – often driven by people too young to remember 1989 – seeks to persuade Poles that capitalism has eroded...
Billy R Bennett's insight:

"We were stupid " read a recent headline in Warsaw. 

The cold war is reshaping itself and our failure to provide safeguards and safety nets during difficult transitions has created a backlash with a new generation .   This is the story in many of the countries of the  former "east block". 

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Global Organization Trends
Important & Interesting trends changing the world of work
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
August 18, 2014 1:33 AM!

What's the Deal with America's Declining Workforce? - TIME

What's the Deal with America's Declining Workforce? - TIME | Global Organization Trends |
What's the Deal with America's Declining Workforce?
About half of the decline in worker participation over the last seven years is due to demographics — the workforce is simply aging.
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
August 5, 2014 1:21 AM!

Aiming at Poland's Neoliberal Goliath - Transitions Online

Aiming at Poland's Neoliberal Goliath - Transitions Online | Global Organization Trends |
Aiming at Poland's Neoliberal Goliath Transitions Online Twenty-five years on, a growing trend in public debate and social activism in Poland – often driven by people too young to remember 1989 – seeks to persuade Poles that capitalism has eroded...
Billy R Bennett's insight:

"We were stupid " read a recent headline in Warsaw. 

The cold war is reshaping itself and our failure to provide safeguards and safety nets during difficult transitions has created a backlash with a new generation .   This is the story in many of the countries of the  former "east block". 

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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
January 24, 2014 12:04 AM!

10 Fastest Growing Careers in America Infographic | WH Idiomas BCN

10 Fastest Growing Careers in America Infographic | WH Idiomas BCN | Global Organization Trends |
“Would you like to live in America? Find out what jobs are in high demand, and see if you already have the skills to make the move!”
Billy R Bennett's insight:
The oil and gas industry continues to experience explosive growth. #1 and 2 in the top 10
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
January 17, 2014 12:46 AM!

Recruiting Trends: Social Graph & Mobile Will Be Big in 2014 HR, Recruiting, Social Media Policies, Human Resources, HR Technology Blogging4Jobs

Recruiting Trends: Social Graph & Mobile Will Be Big in 2014 HR, Recruiting, Social Media Policies, Human Resources, HR Technology Blogging4Jobs | Global Organization Trends |
Recruiting Trends Week is upon us! Each day, everday this week Blogging4Jobs is taking it to the streets to find out what trends will be “the trend” in recruiting. What do you think?
Billy R Bennett's insight:

Things always evolve... just when you think LInkedIN has disrupted the recruitment and selection industry (it has)... it is now declared time to move on.  The message for us is to think again about how we are connected, and how we maintain those connections. 

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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
January 15, 2014 7:50 AM!

Growing Number Of Professionals Are Taking Sabbaticals - WBFS

Growing Number Of Professionals Are Taking Sabbaticals - WBFS | Global Organization Trends |
Growing Number Of Professionals Are Taking Sabbaticals WBFS Johnson is among a growing number of professionals with the opportunity to spend time on sabbatical, taking anywhere from six weeks to a year off to travel, volunteer, or fulfill a life...
Billy R Bennett's insight:

I've seen this as an effective retention tool in charitable organizations for key staff.  The result has often been a refreshed direction and enthusiasm for new ideas.  If you are facing an innovation challenge think about giving employees a few weeks every three to five years to study an idea of thier own choosing.  You may be very surprised at the results.

Can we help you think outside the box?

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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
January 13, 2014 5:17 PM!

China wages seen jumping in 2014 - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

China wages seen jumping in 2014 - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette | Global Organization Trends |
China wages seen jumping in 2014 Fort Wayne Journal Gazette “The trend of shifting low-end manufacturing bases to southeast Asian countries will only accelerate,” said Shen Jianguang, chief Asia economist at Mizuho in Hong Kong, who formerly worked...
Billy R Bennett's insight:

Consequence - some realignment of manufacturing to other parts of the globe, including "in-sourcing" the US and Europe

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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
October 27, 2013 1:37 PM!

Lawmaker Squabbles Cost U.S. 1.75 Million Jobs: Cutting Research - Bloomberg

Lawmaker Squabbles Cost U.S. 1.75 Million Jobs: Cutting Research - Bloomberg | Global Organization Trends |
“Lawmaker Squabbles Cost U.S. 1.75 Million Jobs: Cutting Research Bloomberg So warns economist Marina Azzimonti of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, who created an index to measure the tone of political debate and its impact on hiring,...”
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
October 27, 2013 1:25 PM!

Small, Steady Growth For Europe's Economy - Proactive Investors UK

Small, Steady Growth For Europe's Economy - Proactive Investors UK | Global Organization Trends |
“Small, Steady Growth For Europe's Economy Proactive Investors UK The growth trend is a "modest" one, Chris Williamson, Markit's chief economist, noted, but "the expansion is reassuringly broad-based across the region, reflecting signs of economic...”
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
October 27, 2013 1:21 PM!

Not so fast: Improving U.S. unemployment rate masks problems - Fresno Bee

Not so fast: Improving U.S. unemployment rate masks problems - Fresno Bee | Global Organization Trends |
“kgw.comNot so fast: Improving U.S. unemployment rate masks problemsFresno Bee... it's not telling us what we thought?”
Billy R Bennett's insight:
Excellent graphic alternative readings of unemployment.
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
October 9, 2013 9:11 PM!

Emerging Market Output Growth Flatlines in September -

Emerging Market Output Growth Flatlines in September - | Global Organization Trends | Emerging Market Output Growth Flatlines in September Business output across emerging markets hardly grew in September, according to data from HSBC, pulling down the average output growth-rate for the third quarter to its...
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
June 10, 2013 8:44 AM!

One million children are growing up without a male role model: Report blames ... - Daily Mail

One million children are growing up without a male role model: Report blames ... - Daily Mail | Global Organization Trends |
One million children are growing up without a male role model: Report blames ...Daily MailA million children are growing up in 'men deserts', living without a father and rarely meeting an adult man, a study of family breakdown said yesterday.
Billy R Bennett's insight:
What is the impact for the workplace?This is a UK article, however some major western countries are experiencing similar trends.
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
June 9, 2013 4:11 PM!

Innovative companies 'hit by bank lending freeze' - The Guardian

Innovative companies 'hit by bank lending freeze' - The Guardian | Global Organization Trends |
The Guardian
Innovative companies 'hit by bank lending freeze'
The Guardian
The report – by economic thinktanks the Big Innovation Centre and the Work Foundation – said a general credit squeeze was affecting innovative firms more than others.
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
May 28, 2013 3:52 AM!

Smartest Countries in the World 2012 ~ Amazing World

Smartest Countries in the World 2012 ~ Amazing World | Global Organization Trends |
RT @MunaAbuSulayman: Smartest Countries in the World 2012 ranked by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) -...
Billy R Bennett's insight:

Hmm very interesting data.  Pleased that the USA is still up there in the top 5.  Surprised at the number 2 ranking of Palestine.  What fantastic benefit could come from peace in the middle east!

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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
August 5, 2014 1:23 AM!

As US job market strengthens, many don't feel effects; jobs still scarce - Log Cabin Democrat

As US job market strengthens, many don't feel effects; jobs still scarce - Log Cabin Democrat | Global Organization Trends |
As US job market strengthens, many don't feel effects; jobs still scarce
Log Cabin Democrat
The Gallup Organization has found that consumers' view of the economy is the glummest it's been in seven months.
Billy R Bennett's insight:

Jobs and people are available.  They just don't match.

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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
January 24, 2014 12:30 AM!

WiFi in 2014: 10 Rising Trends That Will Affect Us at Work, Home

WiFi in 2014: 10 Rising Trends That Will Affect Us at Work, Home | Global Organization Trends |
“With industry information supplied by ABI Research and Aruba Networks, this eWeek slideshow offers clear trends in WiFi we can expect to see in 2014.”
Billy R Bennett's insight:
Bottom line: A top priority, adding wifi capacity as you enable employees to bring own devices and apps to connect.
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
January 17, 2014 7:48 AM!

Top HIT trends for 2014: Accelerated change is coming - Healthcare IT News (blog)

Top HIT trends for 2014: Accelerated change is coming - Healthcare IT News (blog) | Global Organization Trends |
Top HIT trends for 2014: Accelerated change is coming Healthcare IT News (blog) According to the American Telemedicine organization, 19 states have a working telemedicine parity policy and another 9 have a proposed law underway meaning soon more...
Billy R Bennett's insight:

Healthcare IT is now concerned with more than keeping your privacy (still a top concern and getting stronger) but also this is the time when Big Data and Telemedicine moves to the mainstream of healthcare delivery.

Imagine two breakthroughs - genomics data used to customize treatments for individuals and the delivery of medical services from anywhere to anywhere.  Centers of excellence in Big Data applications and "remote "services - two trends which when combined could allow organizations and individual  to look globally for specialty healthcare  services in a much broader context thant they do today.

Can we help your organization or leadership team think "outside of the future box"  they are building?

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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
January 16, 2014 6:55 AM!

Share of Americans in the work force declining - Leader-Telegram

Share of Americans in the work force declining - Leader-Telegram | Global Organization Trends |
Washington Post
Share of Americans in the work force declining
The share of Americans in the workforce has reached its lowest point in 35 years.
Billy R Bennett's insight:

There are many in the US that would like to place the blame for this on the political climate or a growing entitlement class.  However I would like to suggest two alternative forces

1. The difficulty in changing and adding new technical skills

2. The frustration found in many workplaces

We have witnessed several organizations adapting to point 1 by increasing investments in skills education.   This will have to be a growing part of talent management beyond the current leadership development emphasis. 

However it's point two that could be the greater challenge - a growing number of employees who are ready to "check out" of organizations.  A surprising number are re-evaluating thier careers as they find 401K and investments returning to pre-recession levels and beyond. Early retirements in 2013 surprised many.  They will continue to rise in 2014.

The reason?  Frustration with much of the productivity gains during the recession which came only from headcount reductions - not improvements in processes.  There is also the widening gap between the increases at the top versus the rest of the organization.

As the economy continues to improve don't be surprised if some employees chose to opt out  rather than investing in jobs and careers where they see little to no upside.

Need help considering how to create a winning and desirable future for your organizations?  Give us a call.

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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
January 14, 2014 11:50 AM!

5 Trends to Watch in 2014 - Lynda Gratton - The Future of Work

The start of a new year is a natural point for thinking ahead and planning for the future. Just before 2013 ended, I sat down for an interview with the BBC's Peter Day, continuing a conversation he and I have been having for over 20 years.
Billy R Bennett's insight:

Here are the five trends and my take and interpretation...

1. Your future depends upon where you are.

Outsourcing and other changes have greatly reduced the number of entry level jobs in the West.  The opposite is true in India and China

Youth unemployment in the West will continue to be a challenge - much higher skill sets will be required of the new entrants into the workforce

2. Online education:  Where you are is not a limitation of where you study. 

Education is changing rapidly - much faster than traditional institutions are adapting.  The self organizing model of the social network is finding ways to meet needs with specific education and learning paths that allow people to "cut and paste" education to meet their needs.  As all universities begin to adapt - the best learning will begin to rise and become accessable to you regardless of your location.

3. Quotas for women

There is growing trend of new women CEO's  However,  in a world where less than 10% of CEOs are women there is a long way to go.  One of the top concerns of CEO's is diversity in their organization.  Could we see pressure for more progress at the top exec level?

4. The business side of social media

Social media will connect organizations as the workplace not just supporting the workplace.

5. Reconsidering trust

Despite popular belief, there is a generation developing that is adapting relationship skills and "trust" sensors - this will be a skill set that leaves others behind.

For more on trends and changes in in organizations visit us at

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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
January 13, 2014 5:14 PM!

BUSINESS IN BRIEF 13/1 - VietNamNet Bridge

BUSINESS IN BRIEF 13/1 - VietNamNet Bridge | Global Organization Trends |
BUSINESS IN BRIEF 13/1 VietNamNet Bridge With US and EU GDP expected to expand in 2014, the most likely scenario is that the demand for Vietnamese goods will increase, especially for such goods as apparel and electronics and the manufacturing...
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
October 27, 2013 1:28 PM!

19 Young Activists Changing America -

19 Young Activists Changing America - | Global Organization Trends |
“19 Young Activists Changing America A vibrant grass-roots progressive movement is winning victories, raising awareness and changing lives in every part of the country, but you might not know that if your main source of information is...”
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
October 27, 2013 1:23 PM!

Austin Beer Week showcases city's growing brew culture - YNN, Your News Now

Austin Beer Week showcases city's growing brew culture - YNN, Your News Now | Global Organization Trends |
“Austin Beer Week showcases city's growing brew cultureYNN, Your News NowNine years ago, Amy Cartwright and her husband decided to take a gamble on a hobby they loved.”
Billy R Bennett's insight:
As the economy improves the trend to beer continues.
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
October 27, 2013 1:18 PM!

McClellan developments should attract retirees - Anniston Star

McClellan developments should attract retirees - Anniston Star | Global Organization Trends |
“McClellan developments should attract retirees Anniston Star Doing so could mean sustained local economic growth through job creation in the coming years due to the country's aging population, economists, health and senior housing industry experts...”
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
June 10, 2013 8:53 AM!

Latest trend in health care: Patients secretly filming doctors | Canada | News ... - National Post

Latest trend in health care: Patients secretly filming doctors | Canada | News ... - National Post | Global Organization Trends |
Latest trend in health care: Patients secretly filming doctors | Canada | News ...
Billy R Bennett's insight:
The greater concern in this article is the growing divide of trust between patients and caregivers. For service organizations, competency and customer "moments of truth" are equally critical to an organizations's brand. Faith in the quality of care is the most important long term success metric.
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
June 10, 2013 8:31 AM!

The Durham Chronicles— the Times They are a Changing - Patheos (blog)

The Durham Chronicles— the Times They are a Changing - Patheos (blog) | Global Organization Trends |
The Durham Chronicles— the Times They are a ChangingPatheos (blog)I was sitting in the lobby of John's College reading the Times, not to be confused with the NY Times. No, this is just the Times. But even that Times has been changing.
Billy R Bennett's insight:
A good short article about newspaper and media change... But the real reason is the inclusion of the complete lyrics to Bob Dylan's The Times They Are a Changing. Worth a read if you've never paid attention to the full text.
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Rescooped by Billy R Bennett from Healthcare Issues & Advocacy
June 9, 2013 2:53 PM!

How The Baby Boomer Generation Is Changing The US Healthcare System - Huffington Post

How The Baby Boomer Generation Is Changing The US Healthcare System - Huffington Post | Global Organization Trends |
How The Baby Boomer Generation Is Changing The US Healthcare System
Huffington Post
As baby boomers approach retirement age, they are expected to completely change the face of the U.S.

Via Chana Andler
Billy R Bennett's insight:

Healthcare is always on an organizations radar.  This article spells out technically how Baby Boomer's are changing healthcare by the numbers.  However, what they don't say is how this generation will change healthcare by many characteristics that differ from their parents - they will not accept medical expertise as an unquestioned gospel.  They are challenging of opinions and more demanding of results and service.  These to me will change healthcare as much as any other numbers.

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